Protect Yourself and Others During COVID-19
Yes… Protect Yourself and Others During COVID-19
Upon reflection of my last post, I wondered out loud what our “new normal” might look like after the COVID-19 crisis has passed. However, it occurred to me this week that I was getting way ahead of myself. We currently have a different “new normal” to adjust to first! Let’s call it Coronanormal.
COVID-19 will take at least a few months to slowly spread through our communities and businesses. In fact, we want it to spread slowly – so that it follows that flatter curve chart model we have seen on all the news reports, allowing our Health Care Systems to handle the load.
So, what does living with COVID-19 look like?
For some of us, COVID-19 means layoffs and self-isolation. For others, it means working from home. For all of us, it means keeping our distance. We are community-centric creatures of habit and we hate change! Coronanormal is not going to be easy.
Over the past week or so, we have seen all our meetings moved to online, most of our clients move to working remotely, and all the T.P. disappearing from the supermarket shelves. (Don’t get me started on that!).
At Dominic Systems, we were (conveniently) already used to most of that (except the T.P. bit), and I think that gives us a responsibility to help out those who are struggling.
I admit that I do not have a mountain of goods ideas on how to do so, but I am hoping others out there can share some suggestions.
Best ideas to manage life with COVID-19
So far, the best ideas I have come across (not my own) to keep up with COVID-19 include:
- Calling a friend or family member who might be going a little stir-crazy
- Help an elderly or at-risk Neighbour with groceries or other purchases so they do not have to venture out to public places like a supermarket
- Make sure to sanitize your hands before you do their shopping and before you deliver anything to them
- You might even want to leave the supplies on the doorstep and call to let them know they are there, just in case
- Go on your Community web/Facebook/Instagram/Reddit/whatever page and see if there are any worthy causes you can support
Keep COVID-19’s good habits
I know we have heard it before, but it bears repeating …. the most important thing we can do right now is try to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, so:
• Keep your distance.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
• Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow when you sneeze or cough.
• Stay at home if you are sick.
Please add a Comment if you have another good idea or have heard of one somewhere!
Stay safe everyone.